01 Pages : 1-9      10.31703/giidr.2021(VI-II).01      Published : Dec 2021

A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19

    The novel Coronavirus knew as Covid 19 or SARS-CoV-2, is a newly discovered virus responsible for the huge global pandemic infecting the human race at a deadly pace. This is an RNA enveloped virus that targets the human respiratory system severely while damaging other major systems. Covid 19 pandemic is similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronavirus (SARS-CoV) endemic and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), but this one is spreading at a fire-speed. The outbreak was known as pneumonia in the beginning; however, it became a threat later on, owing to its high contagion rate. The origin of this virus was sought to be from the seafood wholesale market, very popular in the city of Wuhan. This review has been put together to overview the disease, its etiology, clinical features and treatment methods. The focal point of this review is to highlight the current management of this disease.

    Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, Treatment Methods, Current Management
    (1) Naiha Tahir
    Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Ayema Rehman
    Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Zain
    Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (4) Mubashir Rehman
    Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid I Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Tahir, N., Rehman, A., & Zain, M. (2021). A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19. Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, VI(II), 1-9.
    CHICAGO : Tahir, Naiha, Ayema Rehman, and Muhammad Zain. 2021. "A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, VI (II): 1-9 doi: 10.31703/giidr.2021(VI-II).01
    HARVARD : TAHIR, N., REHMAN, A. & ZAIN, M. 2021. A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19. Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, VI, 1-9.
    MHRA : Tahir, Naiha, Ayema Rehman, and Muhammad Zain. 2021. "A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, VI: 1-9
    MLA : Tahir, Naiha, Ayema Rehman, and Muhammad Zain. "A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, VI.II (2021): 1-9 Print.
    OXFORD : Tahir, Naiha, Rehman, Ayema, and Zain, Muhammad (2021), "A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19", Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, VI (II), 1-9
    TURABIAN : Tahir, Naiha, Ayema Rehman, and Muhammad Zain. "A Review of Updates on Vaccines and Treatment Options for Covid-19." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review VI, no. II (2021): 1-9.