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APA : Sultana, N., Kumar, S., & Bashir, S. (2024). Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives. Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, IX(I), 54-62.
CHICAGO : Sultana, Nadia, Santosh Kumar, and Shahzad Bashir. 2024. "Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, IX (I): 54-62 doi: 10.31703/giidr.2024(IX-I).06
HARVARD : SULTANA, N., KUMAR, S. & BASHIR, S. 2024. Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives. Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, IX, 54-62.
MHRA : Sultana, Nadia, Santosh Kumar, and Shahzad Bashir. 2024. "Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, IX: 54-62
MLA : Sultana, Nadia, Santosh Kumar, and Shahzad Bashir. "Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, IX.I (2024): 54-62 Print.
OXFORD : Sultana, Nadia, Kumar, Santosh, and Bashir, Shahzad (2024), "Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives", Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review, IX (I), 54-62
TURABIAN : Sultana, Nadia, Santosh Kumar, and Shahzad Bashir. "Effectiveness of Low-Dose High-Frequency Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Intervention on Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives." Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review IX, no. I (2024): 54-62.